Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Girl in the Steel Corset

The Girl in the Steel Corset
by Kady Cross

Kady Cross’ fast pace action and steampunk novel starts off with a bang.  Finley Jayne, a serving maid for a rich family, has a dark secret.  There’s something living inside her, and it only comes out when she’s in trouble.  As it were, trouble seems to follow her around.  Released from two previous employers because of her dark side, Finley endeavors to keep her job at all cost.  But when her employer’s son attempts to take advantage of her, Finley knows she’s relinquished her job.  The darkness inside her arises and with a single punch Finley destroys her chances of finding another job with a well-respected family.

The thing inside her is becoming more powerful, and Finley is slowly losing control of it.  Fleeing from the scene, Finley runs into Griffin, another young lord with a secret of his own.  Recognizing someone with a likeness to his own, Griff immediately takes Finley under his wing.  Finley soon meets intelligent Emily, half-robot Sam, and American cowboy Jasper.

Meanwhile, there’s a thief and murderer on the streets of London.  He calls himself the Machinist and is plotting his revenge against Griffin and his ragtag group.  Together, they must uncover the Machinist’s plan, before its too late.

The Girl in the Steel Corset is Journey to the Center of the Earth meets Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde meets X-Men.  The novels starts off interestingly enough, but quickly derails.  Cross seems to be more interested in describing Finley’s outfits then she does in developing her characters.  The secondary characters were very one-dimensional, and added very little to the story- unless you counted the multiple love triangles that Cross created.  Both love triangles were completely unneeded and unnecessary and detracted rather than added to the storyline.  Cross’ description of Emily’s “ropey hair” was overused and irritating.  The technology used in the novel were briefly introduced and little used.

The climax of the novel, which should have been the most interesting part of the novel, instead was very much like a firework that hadn’t enough power to explode and simply whimpered back to earth.  Very little was concluded or resolved in the novel.  And instead of ending, the novel leaps forward into the sudden arrest of the American, throwing the readers off by the sheer unbelievability of the event.  Overall, as a reader I was very disappointed by the novel.  If I had bought the book, I would have wanted my money back.  I still want my time back.

My rating:


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